Welcome to Webmail 5.5.2 Help

Webmail provides you with access to your personal information from any browser either on your desktop or your mobile devices. The webmail application enables you to read your email, and send messages, manage your mail preferences, view and manage your contacts.

Frequently Asked Questions



Address Book


RSS Feeds

File Storage


What browsers can I use to view my mail?

If you want to view your mail using the Standard Webmail interface, you can use any of the following supported browsers:

You may be able to view the Standard Webmail interface on other, unsupported browsers; however, some features may produce unexpected results. If you want to use an unsupported browser, we recommend that you choose the Basic Webmail interface.

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What makes up the webmail application?

The application is divided into four main sections: the header, the footer, Components list, and the work area that can appear as a single or double pane depending on what you are doing.

The Header

The header is located across the top of the browser window and is static. It is always there to provide:

Components List

Webmail is comprised of the following components: Email, Address Book, Calendar, RSS Feeds, and Settings. These components and their subcomponents are displayed in the left pane of the application.

Selecting a folder, group or setting category in this pane populates the list and detail panes that compose the main area of the webmail application.

In the Components list pane, you can also:

Work Area (List and Details Panes)

The main area of the webmail application with which you, the user, interacts is referred to as the work area. It is usually displayed as a List pane and a Details pane when you are browsing information (e.g., viewing mail messages or contacts) and is displayed as a single pane when you are creating or editing information (e.g., composing an email, adding a new contact or changing your settings).

Whatever you are doing, there will be a “toolbar” at the top of the pane, or panes, that includes the name of the current view (e.g., INBOX or Edit Contact) and command buttons to enable relevant tasks (e.g., Move to Folder, Edit Contact, Save and Cancel etc.).

Split Pane

Single Pane

How does it all come together?

The webmail application looks like this:

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What is the Email component?

As the default view, the Email component provides you with access to essential email functions. It includes the Email Folders list, Message list, Message Details, and Compose window. (The Compose Window is not shown in the following image.) The Email Folders section of the Components list is highlighted in red

The Email Folders list appears as a column on the left side of the browser window. It allows you to:

Selecting and dragging the horizontal bar between the two panes can adjust the heights of the Message list pane and Message Details pane.

The Message list pane displays the contents of the selected folder in a list format. Within this list, you have the ability to:

Selected messages appear in the Message Details pane directly below the Message list pane.

Message Details

The Message Details pane displays the sender information and the contents of the message. It also provides you with the ability to:

The Message Details pane displays a Less Detail message header in the toolbar. Click the More Detail link to expand the header information. The header and toolbar also provide the following options, depending on the message content:

Button or Icon Function
Add Contact — launches the Add Contact pane with senders email and display name used to populate the Nickname and Email fields. Add any other desired information and save the contact to your Address Book.
Message Source This link is available when the header/toolbar is toggled to More Detail mode. Clicking this link opens a pop-up window with the complete message headers.
Full pane — enlarges the Message Details pane to the full work area. The Message list pane disappears.
Split pane — restores the default view of the Message list pane and Message Details pane.
Slide show — this button is available when the message contains attachments of the following type: jpg, gif etc. Clicking on the button launches a slide show of the image files within webmail.

Compose Message

The Compose Message pane replaces the Message list/Message Details panes when launched.

In the Compose Message pane you can:

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What is the Address Book component?

The Address Book component is where you add, group, manage, and delete contact information. The Address Book supports drag and drop contacts. You can also send messages to a contact directly from within the Contact Details pane. The Address Book component is made up of: Address Book Groups, Contacts List, Contact Details, Add Contact, and Edit Contact. The Address Book section of the Components list is highlighted in red.

The Address Book is a list of Groups appearing in a column on the left side of the browser. By default, you start with the single super-group All, which includes all contacts you add. A new contact is always added to the All group regardless of whether you create the contact within another group. The Address Book section allows you to:

The Contacts List pane is located on the right of the browser window. It displays the following contact information for all contacts in the selected group: name, email address, home, work and mobile number. It also provides you with the ability to:

Once a contact is selected for viewing, it appears in the Contact Details pane directly below the Contacts List pane. It displays the following contact details for the selected contact: nickname, name, company, title, telephone numbers (home, work, mobile), email/IM address, addresses (home, work), and notes. It also provides you with the ability to:

Selecting and dragging the horizontal bar between the two panes can adjust the heights of the Contacts List and Contact Details.

Add Contact

The Add Contact pane replaces the Group Contacts list/Contact Details pane when launched via the New dropdown button or the Add Contact button .

The Add Contact pane enables you to enter contact information for an individual contact, including their nickname, name, company, title, elephone numbers (home, work, mobile), email/IM address, addresses (home, work), and notes.

Edit Contact

The Edit Contact button is accessed in the Contact Details pane and launches the Edit Contact pane. It is identical to the Add Contact pane except for being populated with the current contact details. This enables you to modify all existing contact information for the contact, such as their nickname, name, company, title, telephone numbers (home, work, mobile), email address,/IM, addresses (home, work) and notes.

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What is the Settings component?

The Settings component allows you to establish general settings (change password, display and language preferences), mail settings (setup, vacation alert, signature, filters, and POP accounts) and calendar settings (calendar view and event reminders).

General Settings

The General settings appear to the left of the Settings list when selected. General settings are divided into tabs for easy navigation:

Password Change your password as needed.
Display Preferences Establish how many items you would like to display per page in your INBOX and what Time Zone is displayed.

Mail Settings

Mail settings also appear to the left of the Settings list when selected. Mail settings are divided into five tabs for easy navigation:

Setup You can establish the:
  • Name that appears on out-going email messages
  • Reply-To Address
  • Forwarding Address
  • Forwarding settings options
  • Save sent messages options
Vacation You can establish a customized vacation/out-of-office alert.
Signature You can establish the signature that appears in all outgoing messages.
Blocking You can create lists of senders you want to block and those from which you always want to accept mail.
Filters You can establish and edit automatic filters (move to folder, send notification or delete email) for incoming emails based on specific criteria in the email.
POP You can add, view or delete POP accounts.

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Calendar Settings

Calendar View You can set the start day of the week in the calendar and the number of weeks displayed in the agenda.
Reminder You can set a default event reminder.

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What is the Calendar component?

The Calendar component allows you to view your events in multiple formats. The Calendar component is made up of the following:

  • Day View—Displays your calendar events in a day-by-day format.
  • Week View—Displays your calendar events in a week-by-week format.
  • Month View—Displays your calendar events in a month-by-month format.
  • Agenda—Displays a summary of events happening for today and upcoming events.

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What is the File Storage component?

You can use Webmail File Storage to store and share up to 2000 files (as long as you don’t exceed your total allowed space quota). You can create up to 100 folders, including subfolders, with up to 1000 files in any one folder. To access File Storage, click the File Storage option under the Settings heading within the Components List pane.

Your allowed quota is the total amount of space that you can use for email and file storage; the quota is set by your administrator. The percentage of your quota that you are using is displayed in a usage bar at the bottom of the File Storage pane. The usage bar looks like this:

By moving the cursor over the usage bar, you can see what percentage of your quota is being used by mail and what percentage is being used by File Storage.

The number of files and subfolders within each folder is displayed in the Size column; the number of subfolders is displayed first, followed by the total number of files in the folder, for example, 1/4 indicates that the folder contains one subfolder and four files, not including the files that are in the subfolder. If files are not in folders or if the folders are expanded to display the names of the files they contain, the Size column shows the size of each file.

Note: File and folder names can be any length, but if the name is longer than 80 characters, the name is truncated in the File Storage display, and the missing part of the name is replaced by ellipses (...).

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What is the RSS Feeds component?

The RSS Feeds section allows you to view news or content feeds to which youve subscribed. You can select a feed from the RSS catalogue or enter the URL for a specific site from which you want to receive content. RSS Feeds is made up of the RSS Feeds List and RSS Feeds Display.

RSS Feeds

The RSS Feeds list displays the news or content feeds that are available. You can change the order of the feeds by moving your mouse cursor over the feed and then clicking on the appropriate arrow to move the feed up or down in the list. You can also add a feed to the RSS Feeds list.

RSS Feeds Display

Once a feed is selected, You can view the contents of the feed in the main application area. The RSS Feeds Display allows you to:

  • Review content within your webmail experience (including audio and video feeds).
  • Share with contacts.
  • Refresh page content.

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How do I log in to my account?

To access your account from the Login screen:

  1. Type your user name in the Username field.
  2. Type your password in the Password field.
  3. Click the Log In button.

Once you have completed the login process, your INBOX appears.

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How can I navigate through the application using keyboard shortcuts?

The following keyboard shortcuts are available:

Function Short Cut Accessible From
Compose Message m
  • Email
  • Address Book
Display Next Message Down arrow
  • Email >Message list
Display Previous Message Up arrow
  • Email >Message list
Next Message Page Page-up or right arrow
  • Email >Message list
Previous Message Page Page-down or left arrow
  • Email >Message list
Reply to a selected message r
  • Email >Message list
Reply all to a selected message a
  • Email >Message list
Forward a selected message f
  • Email >Message list
Add Contact c
  • Email
  • Address Book

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How do I view an Email folder?

To view a folder

  1. Click the folder name (e.g. Sent) in the Email folder list.

The Message list pane displays messages in date order (most recent to oldest).

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How do I sort messages within a folder?

To sort messages within a folder

  1. Click the folder name in the Email Folder list. The Message list displays the messages in date order (more recent to oldest).
  2. Click one of the following column headings to select the sort criteria: Sender, Subject, Date, or Size. An arrow displayed next to the selected column heading indicates the sort order (ascending or descending ).

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What are systems Email folders?

The system folders (INBOX, Drafts, Spam, Sent Mail, and Trash) are permanent system folders that support basic email functions located at the top of the Email Folder list. You cannot add, rename or remove a system folder. However, you can add sub-folders to any of the system folders.

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What are personal Email folders?

Personal folders are the user-defined folders you add via the button located beside the Email label. You can create and name folders for the personal organization of mail messages up to a system defined limit. User defined folders can be added, renamed, removed, and emptied. You can add these folders at the top, or parent, level or as sub-folders. Sub-folders can be added to sub-folders.

Personal folders appear below the system folder list, after the Trash folder, with a small spacing separating the system folders from the personal folders. Sub-folders added to system folders appear below their parent in the System Folders list.

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How do I check to see if I have new mail?

To check for new mail

  1. Click the Check Mail button in the Header section of webmail.

The contents of all system and user defined folders is updated immediately.

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How do I check mail from my configured POP accounts?

To retrieve messages from your configured POP accounts

  1. Click the Check Mail button in the Header section of webmail.

The contents of all system and user defined folders is updated immediately. Depending on the options selected when setting up the POP accounts, the original messages may or may not be automatically removed from the POP accounts once retrieved.

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How do I compose and send a new message?

There are two ways to compose and send a new message:

From the Header section:

  1. Click the New button. The Compose pane replaces the Message list and Message Details panes.
  2. Type recipient information in the To, CC and BCC fields as needed.
  3. Type the subject in the Subject field.
  4. Type message content in the free-text area of the Compose pane. A standard formatting toolbar is available.
  5. Click Send.

Using Keyboard Short Cuts:

  1. Press the m key on your keyboard from within Email or the Address Book. The Compose pane replaces the current panes.
  2. Type recipient information in the To, CC and BCC fields as needed.
  3. Type the subject in the Subject field.
  4. Type message content in the free-text area of the Compose pane. A standard formatting toolbar is available.
  5. Click Send.

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How do I use the rich text editor?

The Rich Text Editor allows you to format your email messages. For example, you can create lists, specify the font size, and apply bold or italics to the text.

To add font emphasis

  1. Click the bold , italic underline or strikethrough button.
    You can use more than one at the same time.
  2. Type the text you want emphasized.
  3. Click the button again to turn off the emphasis or click

Alternatively, you can highlight portions of your text and click a button to apply that emphasis to the highlighted portion of your message.

To specify the font family and size

  1. From the Font family drop-down list, choose the type of font that you want to use.
  2. From the Font size drop-down list, choose the font size that you want to use.
    All of the text that you enter will be in the selected font family and size.

Alternatively, you can highlight portions of your text and apply a specific font family and size to only that text.

To change the font color

  1. Select the text that you want to color.
  2. Click
  3. Select a color from the drop-down list.
    All of the text that you enter will be in the selected color.
  4. Choose another color or click to turn off the color.

To set the highlight color

  1. Select the text that you want to highlight.
  2. Click
  3. Select a color from the drop-down list.
    All of the text that you enter will be highlighted in the selected color.
  4. Choose another color or click to turn off the color.

To change text and paragraph alignment

  1. Click one of the buttons.
    All the text you type is aligned according to your selection.

Alternatively, you can highlight portions of your text and click a button to apply that alignment to the highlighted portion of your message.

To apply a paragraph style to a list

  1. Click for bullets or for numbers.
    All the text you type is in the specified list paragraph format.
  2. Start a new paragraph (click Enter) when you want to create a new list item.
  3. Click the list button again to turn off the list paragraph format and return to the normal paragraph format.

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How do I use Spellcheck?

Spellcheck is always available in the Compose window and can be set to check the following languages:

To check your spelling

  1. In the drop-down list, choose the language that you are using.
  2. Click
    Any questionable spelling is highlighted.
  3. Click the highlighted word.
    A drop-down list appears that contains a list of suggested correctly spelled replacements.
  4. Select the correct replacement option, if required.
  5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 as necessary.

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How do I insert a hyperlink in an email?

You can insert hyperlinks in your messages so that when the recipient clicks on the link, the associated webpage opens.

  1. Enter the text that you want to make into a hyperlink.
    This can be the actual location or URL (such as http://www.example.com) or any text (such as click here).
  2. Highlight the text by holding down the left mouse button as you drag the cursor over the text.
  3. Click
    The Insert/edit link window appears.
  4. In the URL field, enter the link destination, for example, http://www.example.com.
  5. From the Target drop-down list, choose whether you want the destination page to open in the same window or in a new window.
  6. Optionally, in the Title field, enter a description that will be displayed when the recipient moves their cursor over the link.
  7. Click Insert.

To edit a hyperlink

  1. Click the hyperlinked text and then click
    The Insert/edit link window appears.
  2. Edit any of the fields, and then click Update.

To remove a hyperlink

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Is there a limit to the size of the emails that I can send?

The maximum size for email messages, including any attachements, is 35 MB; however, when attachments are sent over the Internet, they must be MIME encoded, and this encoding increases the size of the message.

You should not try to send attachments that are larger than 25 MB. If you want to share large files, we recommend that you use the File Storage feature.

In addition, some mail servers will not accept large email messages, so if you attach a large file to your message, it may not reach its intended recipient.

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How can I find a specific message within a folder?

You can locate one or more messages within a folder by using the search, sort, and pagination functions.


You can perform a case-insensitive search for characters or words that appear in the following areas of the message:

Note: We recommend that you do not use the Message search as your primary search type. Depending on how many messages there are in the selected folder, a Message search can take a long time, and your Webmail session could time out before the search completes.

To search within a selected folder

  1. Select the folder you want to search in by clicking on it in the Email folder list.
  2. Type your search criteria in the Search Mail field found in the toolbar.
  3. Select the type of search from the drop-down list.
  4. Click the Search Mail button.

The title of the Message list pane changes to reflect the search criteria and any messages matching the criteria are returned. Otherwise, the message "No messages matched your search." appears.

To clear the Search Mail text field, select the text, and then click Delete.


You can sort messages in the Message list pane in ascending/descending order using the defined column headings. By default, all messages are sorted in descending order (most recent to oldest).

To sort within a selected folder

  1. Click one of the column headings (Attachment, Read/Unread, Priority, Sender, Subject, Date, ID, or Size).

An arrow appears next to the column heading to indicate if the sort is in ascending or descending order. To change the order, click the column heading again.


Pagination is the process that divides messages into pages of a specific size. The size is determined by the Display Preferences established by you in Settings.

To view the Message list page-by-page

  1. Click Next or Previous in the toolbar (located above the Message list).

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How do I view an email message?

To view an email message

  1. Select a folder (e.g. INBOX) to populate the Message list pane.
  2. Locate the desired message and click on it.

The message header is highlighted when you mouse-over it. When you click on a message, the selected message is highlighted in a darker colour and a check mark appears in the check box to the left of the message header. The content of the selected message appears in the Message Details pane.

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How do I reply, reply to all or forward a message?

To reply, reply to all or forward a message

  1. Select the message from the Message List.

The message content appears in the Message Detail pane. The following Message Detail Command options are available for selection: Reply, Reply All, Forward, Print, and Delete.

  1. Click the appropriate Message Detail command option to launch the Compose Message pane:
    1. Reply

      • Respond to the sender of the message.file.
      • Contents of the original message are included in the free-text window.
      • Attachments are not included.
      • Re: prefix is added to the Subject line.
    2. Reply All

      • Respond to sender and all recipients included in original message.
      • Contents of the original message are included in the free-text window.
      • Attachments are not included.
      • Re: prefix is added to the Subject line.
    3. Forward

      • Forward copy of message to an alternate recipient.
      • Contents of the original message are included in the free-text window.
      • Attachments are included.
      • Fwd: prefix is added to the Subject line.
  2. Compose and send the message.

Note: You can also use keyboard shortcuts to Reply , Reply All or Forward mail .

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How do I add a new folder?

To add a new folder

  1. Click the button beside the Email heading in the Components List pane.
    The Add New Folder window opens.
  2. Type the name of the new folder in the text field.
  3. If you want to add the new folder as a sub-folder of an existing folder, click the Add folder as a sub-folder of: checkbox.
    The Add New Folder window expands to present a folder tree of your existing folders. Folders that already contain sub-folders appear with an icon. Click the icon to expand the folders and see the list of sub-folders.
  4. Select the target parent folder by clicking on it in the folder directory tree. (Note: use the > arrows to drill down into existing sub-folders and expand the folder tree.
  5. Click Save.

The new folder appears in alphabetical order under the systems folders list or as a sub-folder of a a parent folder, depending on what you added.

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How do I rename, empty or delete a folder?

To rename, empty or delete a folder

  1. Locate the folder in the Components List pane under the Email heading.
  2. Hover your mouse over the folder name. The following icons appear:
    • Rename folder:
    • Empty folder:
    • Delete folder:
  3. Click the appropriate icon.
If the: Then:
Rename Folder icon is selected
  • A text box appears populated with the current folder name. Key in the new folder name.
  • Click the Save button.
  • The new folder appears in alphabetical order under the Email heading and below the four system folders.
Empty Folder icon is selected
  • The following confirmation message appears: Are you sure you want to empty this folder?
  • Click OK.
  • The folder is now empty as the messages have been moved to the Trash folder. Note that these messages are recoverable until you empty your Trash folder.
Delete Folder icon is selected
  • The following confirmation message appears: Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All emails will be moved to Trash.
  • Click OK.
  • The folder is deleted. The deleted messages are moved to the Trash folder.

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How do I select multiple messages?

To select multiple messages

  1. From the Message List, click the checkbox located to the left of the message header.
    A check mark appear sto indicate the item has been selected.
  2. Repeat until all desired messages have been selected.

When multiple messages are selected, the Message Detail view pane remains blank.

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How do I move one or more messages to another folder?

To move one or more messages to another

  1. Select the list of messages you would like to move
  2. Click the Move to Folder button in the Message List toolbar.
    A drop-down window appears.
  3. From the drop-down list, click the desired folder name.

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How do I setup webmail to automatically move messages to folders?

Webmail provides you the ability to use filters to sort and order incoming mail. Mail can be identified using a combination of criteria and conditions in order to trigger one of three actions:

See How do I add/remove mail filters? for step-by-step instructions.

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How do I mark one or more messages as Spam?

To mark one or more messages as Spam

  1. Select the messages you would like to mark as Spam.
  2. Click the Spam button from the Message List toolbar.

Clicking the Spam button results in two actions. The first action is visible. The marked message will be sent from its current folder to the Spam folder where it will reside for 30 days at the end of which time it will be automatically deleted. The second action is invisible to you. When you click the Spam button, webmail sends information to the spam filtering engine so that the filtering rules can be updated to catch future spam messages similar to the one marked. In this way filtering can be continuously updated and improved to reflect the current trends of spammers.

Note: Everyone benefits when you mark unsolicited and offensive messages as spam as opposed to just deleting the offending email.

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What if the message is not spam?

Occasionally, a legitimate email will be tagged as spam. There are many reasons for this including, but not limited to, message subject, content, or message routing. For this reason, it is good practice to occasionally review the contents of your Spam folder.

Any message marked as spam will be sent to your Spam folder and deleted after seven days.

To mark one or more messages as not spam

  1. Select the messages you would like to mark as Not Spam.
  2. Click the Not Spam button from the Message List toolbar.

Marking a message as "Not Spam" results in two actions. The first action is visible. The marked message will be sent to your Inbox. The second action is invisible to you. When you click the Not Spam button, webmail sends information to the spam-filtering engine so that the filtering rules can be updated to improve future recognition of valid emails similar to the one marked. In this way filtering can be continuously updated and improved to catch spam and allow legitimate mail to pass.

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How do I manually mark one or more messages as Read or Unread?

To manually mark one or more messages as Read or Unread

  1. Select the messages you would like to mark as Read or Unread.
  2. Click the More Options button from the Message List toolbar.
    A drop-down menu appears.
  3. From the More Options drop-down menu, select Nark as Read or Mark as Unread as appropriate.
If: Then:
Mark as Read is selected
  • Messages appear in normal typeface.
  • Unread message counter will decrease accordingly.
Mark as Unread is selected
  • Messages appear in normal typeface.
  • Read messages will increase accordingly.

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How do I delete one or more messages?

To delete one or more messages

  1. Select the message(s) you would like to delete.
  2. Click the Delete button from the Message List toolbar.
    If the messages are deleted from the: Then they are:
    INBOX, Sent, Drafts, or user defined folders Temporarily moved to the Trash folder (based on user preferences).
    Trash folder Permanently deleted.

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How do I use my Address Book while composing emails?

To enter an email address from your Address Book to the recipient list (To, CC or BCC fields) while composing an email:

  1. Access the Compose pane.
  2. In the To, CC or BCC fields, type the first few letters of the recipients nickname or name from your address book.
    An Auto-complete list of contacts meeting the criteria entered will appear in a list format.
  3. Click the desired email address.
    The recipients email will appear in the field.

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How do I view my Address Book?

Your Address Book is the list of groups under the Address Book heading in the Components List pane.

To view it, click on the group whose contacts you wish to display. The Contacts List opens and displays the list of contacts. The All group contains all your contacts and is the group in which all new contacts are created and added. Once a contact is in the All group, you can add that contact to any other group or groups you create.

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How do I view the details of a specific contact?

To view Contact Details for a specific contact

  1. Click the desired group in the Address Book list.
  2. Click the desired contact entry located in the Contact List pane.
    A check mark appears to indicate the item has been selected and the contact information displays in the Contact Details pane.

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How do I select multiple contacts?

To select multiple contacts

  1. Access the Contacts list.
  2. From the Contact List pane, click the check-box located to the left of the desired contact entries.
    A check mark appears to indicate the item has been selected. Note that the Contact Details pane does not display information for multiple selections.

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How do I add a Contact?

To add a contact

  1. Click the button in the Components pane.


  1. Click the button drop-down in the header and select the Contact option.
    The Add Contact pane appears.
  2. Type the contact information (details, telephone numbers, addresses, notes) in the relevant fields.
  3. Click Save.

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How do I import multiple contacts?

Webmail offers you the ability to import a list of contacts from another mail application. Currently, only the Microsoft Outlook 2000, 2003, Express 6, and Thunderbird CSV file formats are supported. Remember, each contact will be added to the All group regardless of the destination group to which you import your CSV file.

To import a contact list

  1. Click the import destination group in the application pane.
    The group window opens in the List pane.
  2. Click Manage Contacts.
  3. Click the Import tab.
  4. Choose the import file format from the drop-down list.
  5. Browse to the contact file you want to upload.
  6. Click the file to select it.
  7. Click the Open button.
  8. Choose the group that will contain the new contacts from the drop-down list.
  9. Click Import.

Webmail will import the contents of the file and assign the contacts to the All group.

Supported Formats

Current Outlook 2000, 2003, Express 6, and Thunderbird CSV file formats are supported. If your contact file type is not supported, you have two options:

Converting your contact data can be done using a spread sheet and inserting one value into each column (i.e., one column for name, one column for email, etc.) or using any text editor.

If you are using a text editor, each field value needs to be comma separated. To insert commas and line breaks within a field value, use double quotes around the entire value, for example:

“100 Main Street
Knoxville, Tenn.,

Webmail field mappings

Two things you should know are:

Webmail Contact Field Outlook 2000 Field(s) Express 6 Field(s)
Nickname name Nickname
First Name name First Name
Last Name name Last Name
Email e-mail E-mail Address
Title jobtitle Job Title
Company company Company
Home (telephone) homephone Home Phone
Work (telephone) businessphone Business Phone
Mobile (telephone) mobilephone Mobile Phone
Home (address) homeaddress Home Street, Home City, Home Postal Code, Home State, Home Country/Region
Work (address) businessaddress Business Street, Business City, Business Postal Code, Business State, Business Country/Region
Notes notes Notes

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How do I export my address book or a group of contacts?

You can export your whole address book (the All group), or a specific group, in one of these formats:

To export a group

  1. Click the group from which you want to export the contacts.
    The group window opens.
  2. Click Manage Contacts.
  3. Click the Export tab.
  4. Choose the contacts that you want to export. To export all contacts, select All; to export from a specific group, choose the group from the drop-down list.
  5. Choose the export format from the dropdown list.
  6. Click the Export button.
  7. Choose the option to save to a file, and then click OK.
  8. Select the location where you want to save the file, and then click OK.

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How do I edit a contact?

To edit a contact

  1. Select the contact to edit.
  2. From the toolbar of the Contact Details pane, click the Edit Contact button.
    The Edit Contact pane appears.
  3. Update or add the contact information (details, telephone numbers, addresses, notes) in the relevant fields.
  4. Click Save.

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How do I delete one or more contacts?

To delete one or more contacts

  1. Access the Contacts List.
  2. From the Command section of the Contact List pane, click the Delete button.

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How do I add one or more contacts to a group?

Webmail contacts can be dragged from the list pane and dropped into a group in the application pane:

Alternatively, to add one or more contacts to a group:

  1. Access the Contacts List.
  2. Click the checkbox located to the left of the desired contact entry/entries.
    A check mark appears to indicate the item/items have been selected. Note the Contact Details plane does not display the information for multiple selections.
  3. Click the Add to Group button from the Contact List toolbar.
    A drop-down menu of all the available Groups Folders appears.
  4. From the drop-down menu, select the appropriate group.
    The contact(s) are added to the selected group in alphabetical order.

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How do I remove one or more contacts from a group?

Note: A contact cannot be removed from the All Group. To remove one or more contacts from a group

  1. Access the Contacts List.
  2. Click the group you want to edit under the Groups heading in the Groups List pane.
    The Contact List pane populates with the list of contacts assigned to the group.
  3. Click the check-box located to the left of the contact entry/entries to be removed.
    A check mark appears to indicate the item/items have been selected. Note the Contact Details plane does not display the information for multiple selections.
  4. Click the Remove from Group button from the Contact List toolbar.

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How do I create a group?

To create a group

  1. In the Components List pane, click the button beside the Address Book heading.
    The Enter group name: field appears.
  2. Type the name of new group in the field.
  3. Click Save.
    The new Group is added to the Address Book list, in alphabetical order, within the Components List pane.

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How do I rename or delete a group?

To rename or delete a group

  1. Locate the desired group under the Address Book heading.
  2. Hover your mouse over the group name. The following icons appear:
    • Rename group:
    • Delete group:
  3. Click the appropriate icon.
If the: Then:
Rename Group icon is selected
  • A text box appears populated with the current group name. Type the new group name.
  • Click Save.
  • The new folder appears in alphabetical order under the Address Book heading.
Delete Group icon is selected
  • The following confirmation message appears: Are you sure you want to delete this group? Any contacts associated with this group will not be deleted.
  • Click OK.

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How do I add a new calendar?

Calendars allow you to easily identify events in any view as well as turn on and off the Calendar in a view.

  1. Click one of the calendar views listed in the components list.
  2. Click Manage Calendars.
    The Manage Calendars window appears.
  3. Click Add New Calendar.
  4. Enter the information for the new calendar.
    You must complete the Name field; all other settings are optional. The Privacy options are:
    • Private—A private calendar is only accessible by the owner. This is the default.
    • Public (See Free/Busy)—A public calendar that anyone can see; events will appear as busy.
    • Public (See All Details)—A public calendar that anyone can see and view event details.
  5. Click Save.
    The Calendar now appears under the My Calendars list in the Manage Calendars window.

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How do I edit a calendar?

  1. Click any of the calendar views listed in the components list.
  2. Click Manage Calendars.
    The Manage Calendars window appears.
  3. In the Actions column, click
    The Edit Calendar window appears.
  4. Change any of the current calendar information: Name, Colour, Description, Privacy, or Sharing.
  5. Click Save.

To delete a calendar

  1. Click one of the calendar views in the components list.
  2. Click Manage Calendars.
    The Manage Calendars window appears.
  3. In the Actions column, click .
  4. Click OK to confirm that you want to delete the calendar.

    Note: You cannot delete the default calendar.

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How do I add an event to a Calendar?

An event is anything that you want to schedule on your calendar, for example, a meeting or an appointment.

Note: It is possible to add more than one event in the same timeslot.

To create an event

  1. From the New drop-down list, choose Event.
  2. Complete the fields in the Event Details section:
    • Title—the text that will appear in the calendar timeslot.
    • When—select the date or date range for the event. If All Day is not selected, choose the start and end times from the drop-down lists.
    • Repeat—choose whether you want to create a recurring event, and how often you want it to recur: Does not repeat, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.
    • Where—the meeting location.
    • Calendar—the calendar in which to schedule the event.
    • Description—an optional description of the event.
To set an event reminder
  1. Beside Reminders, click to display the reminder options.
  2. In the text box, enter the email address to which you want to send the reminder.
  3. From the drop-down list, select the amount of time prior to the meeting when you want the reminder to appear.
  4. Click Add.

To invite people to an event

  1. Beside Invitation, click to display the invitation options.
  2. In the Invite field, enter the email address of the person you want to invite.
  3. Optionally, click the checkboxes to allow the guest to invite others and to see the guest list.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Optionally, repeat steps 2 to 4 to invite more guests.
  6. When you finish creating the event, click Save.

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How do I set calendar visibility?

  1. Click one of the calendar views in the components list.
  2. Click View Calendars.
  3. Click the checkbox next to the calendars whose events you want to see.
    The calendar view is refreshed to that you only see the selected calendars.

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How do I edit an event?

  1. Click one of the calendar views in the components list.
  2. Click the event that you want to edit.
  3. Make changes to any of the editable fields.
  4. Click Save.
  5. If you are editing a recurring event, a dialog box appears that asks you whether to apply the changes to This event only, All events, This and future events. Click the appropriate response.

To move an event to another timeslot

  1. Click one of the calendar views in the components list.
  2. Position the mouse cursor over the event you want to move.
  3. Press and hold down the left mouse button and move the event to another timeslot.
  4. Release the mouse button.
    The event start and end times are changed to reflect the new timeslot.
  5. If you are moving a recurring event, a dialog box appears that asks you whether to apply the changes to This event only, All events, This and future events. Click the appropriate response.

To delete an event

  1. Click one of the calendar views in the components list.
  2. Double-click the event that you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete.
    A dialog box appears that asks if you want to delete the event.
  4. Click Ok.
  5. If you are editing a recurring event, a dialog box appears that asks you whether to apply the changes to This event only, All events, This and future events. Click the appropriate response.

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How do I import a calendar?

  1. Click one of the calendar views listed in the components list: Day View, Week View, Month View, or Agenda View.
  2. Click Manage Calendars.
    The Manage Calendars window appears.
  3. Click Import Calendars.
    The Import Calendar window appears. This window allows you to upload calendar view in iCal format. ICal is a calendar format that allows you to create and share calendars across different computers and different programs.
  4. Click Browse and select the iCal file that you want to import.
  5. From the drop-down list, choose the calendar where you want to view the events from the imported calendar.
  6. Click Save.

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How do I export a calendar?

You can share your calendar with someone else by saving a copy of it and then emailing the copy.
  1. Click one of the calendar views listed in the components list: Day View, Week View, Month View, or Agenda View.
  2. Click Manage Calendars.
    The Manage Calendars window appears.
  3. Click the iCal icon beside the file that you want to export.
  4. Save the file.
    The calendar is saved with a .ics extension.
  5. Email this file to the person with whom you want to share your calendar.

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How do I share a calendar?

When you share a calendar with someone, they can view all of the events that you scheduled in that calendar, but they cannot edit them.

  1. Click one of the calendar views listed in the components list: Day View, Week View, Month View, or Agenda View.
  2. Click Manage Calendars.
    The Manage Calendars window appears.
  3. Click Add New Calendar to create a new calendar or click to edit an existing calendar.
  4. Click the checkbox to select Sharing this calendar with.
  5. In the text field, enter the email address of the person with whom you want to share the calendar.
  6. In the drop-down list, choose the level of visibility that you want to allow:
    • View Free/Busy—scheduled events appear as Busy; cannot view details.
    • View All—details of scheduled events are visible, but cannot be edited.
  7. Click Add, and then click Save.
    An email is sent to the address you specified to let them know that they can access the shared calendar.

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How do I link to a calendar?

  1. Click on any of the calendar views listed in the components list.
  2. Click Manage Calendars.
    The Manage Calendars window appears.
  3. Click the Add by URL tab.
  4. In the text box, enter the URL of the calendar to which you want to subscribe.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Click Close.

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How do I search for a calendar?

You can search for any calendar that is tagged as Public.
  1. Click one of the calendar views listed in the components list: Day View, Week View, Month View, or Agenda View.
  2. Click Manage Calendars.
    The Manage Calendars window appears.
  3. Click the Search tab.
  4. From the drop-down list, select the type of search you want to do: owner, email, location, title, description, or all.
  5. In the text box, enter the text that you want to find.
  6. Click Search.
  7. If the search results contain a calendar that you want to add to your calendar, click
    Alternatively, if you know the URL of the calendar you want to add, on the Add by URL tab, enter the URL, and then click Add.

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How do I add an RSS feed?

The RSS Feeds section allows you to view content from your favorite blogs or websites. Instead of going to each website to look for new content, your favorite sites are listed in the RSS Feeds section. When you click on one of the feeds in the list, you see a description of the items on that site. The items are ordered from newest to oldest, and the list is updated regularly. Each item includes a link to the web page where you can read the complete article.

  1. In the RSS Feeds section, click
  2. If you know the URL of the feed you want to add, type it in the field, and then click Save.
  3. You can also browse the RSS Catalogue section for popular feeds. Click a category, view the related feeds, and choose the feeds that you want to add.
  4. Click Save.
  5. When youve added all the feeds that you want, click Done.

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How do I delete an RSS feed?

  1. Move your cursor to the RSS feed that you want to delete.
  2. Click
    A warning dialog asks you to confirm that you want to delete the feed.
  3. Click OK.

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How do I reorder the RSS Feeds list?

  1. Move your cursor to the RSS feed that you want to move.
  2. Click or to move the feed one position.
  3. Repeat step 2 until the feed is in the position that you want.

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How do I access an RSS feed?

  1. In the RSS Feeds section, click the name of the feed that you want to view.

    The articles in the feed are displayed in the main work area, with the most recent article at the top of the list.

  2. To read any of the articles in full, simply click on the associated link to go to that website.

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How do I refresh an RSS feed?

Click Refresh at the top of the RSS Feed display.
The feed is updated and any new articles are displayed at the top of the list.

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How do I upload files to File Storage?

You can save up to 2000 files in your File Storage, with up to 1000 files in any one folder. Once a file is uploaded to File Storage, you can share it with others by sending them a link to the file.

Before you can upload a file, you first have to save the file to your computer, and then you can upload it to the File Storage.

To upload a file to the File Storage

  1. Click the File Storage option under the Settings heading within the Components List pane.
  2. In the File Storage pane, click the Upload File tab.
  3. Click inside the Select File To Upload field or click Browse.
  4. Navigate to the location of the file that you want to upload.
  5. From the Select Folder drop-down list, choose the location in the File Storage where you want to put the file. You can choose an existing folder, or you can choose the forward slash (/), in which case, the file will not be in a folder.
  6. Click Go.
    The file is uploaded to the File Storage.

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What type of files can I upload?

You can upload any type of file as long as you don’t exceed your total space quota. For example, you can upload data files such as Word, Excel, and PDF, as well as photos and videos.

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How do I create folders?

You can create up to 100 folders, including subfolders. (Subfolders are folders within folders.) Subfolders can contain other subfolders as well, and you can nest subfolders up to 5 subfolders deep. All folders are displayed in alphabetical order.

To create a folder

  1. Click the File Storage option under the Settings heading within the Components List pane.
  2. In the File Storage pane, click the Create Folder tab.
  3. In the New Folder Name field, enter a name for the folder.
    Note: Folder names cannot include forward slashes and cannot begin with a period (.). In addition, the names cannot be index.htm or index.html.
  4. From the Select Folder drop-down list, choose the location for the folder.
    If you choose an existing folder, the new folder will be created as a subfolder of whatever you choose. If you choose the forward slash (/), the folder will be created at the top level.
  5. Click Create.

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How do I move files into a folder?

When you upload files to File Storage, you can specify the folders where you want to store them. If you have already uploaded files to File Storage, you can move one or more of your files into any of your existing folders.

To move files into a folder

  1. Click the File Storage option under the Settings heading within the Components List pane.
  2. Click the checkboxes beside the files that you want to move. A checkmark indicates that the file is selected.
  3. From the Move to drop-down list, choose the folder into which you want to move the file.
  4. Click Go.

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Can I change a folder into a subfolder?

You can change a folder into a subfolder and you can change subfolders into top level folders by moving them.

To move a folder

  1. Click the File Storage option under the Settings heading within the Components List pane.
  2. Click the Create Folder tab.
  3. Click the checkbox beside the folder that you want to move.
  4. From the Select Folder drop-down list, select the folder that you want to move. To move a folder to the top level, choose the forward slash (/).
  5. From the Move to drop-down list, choose the destination where you want to move the folder, and then click Go.

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Can I reorder my file folders?

You cannot reorder folders; they are always displayed in alphanumeric order.

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Can I take a file that is in my File Storage and attach it to an email?

You cannot attach a file that is in your File Storage to an email message; however, you can email the URL for the file. See the instructions for acquiring the URL under How do I share files?

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Can I take a file that was sent to me in an email and save it in my File Storage?

If you receive a file in an email and you want to save it to the File Storage, you first need to save it to your computer. You can then follow the instructions for How do I upload files to File Storage?

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How do I share files?

To share a file, you must first mark the file as shared. Then you can let people know about your file by posting the file’s location (via email, website, blog, twitter, etc).

Note: You can share files that are stored in your File Storage; however, you cannot share folders.

When you share files, they can be viewed or downloaded by others up to 50 times within a 24 hour period, that is, the link can be clicked up to 50 times. This restriction applies to all views of all of your shared files, not views per person or per file. Once the maximum number of clicks or the maximum bandwidth is reached, the link is disabled for a period of time. The file name still appears in the list and you can rename or delete it, but you will not be able to view or download the file until sufficient time has passed.

To change the shared/unshared setting of a file, do one of the following:

  • Beside the file you want to change, click the icon in the Status column. The unshared icon looks like this: and the shared icon looks like this: When you click the icon, the setting changes, from sharing or unshared or from unshared to shared.
  • Click the checkboxes to select the files you want to change, and then click either Share or Unshare to change the status of the files accordingly.

To share a file

  1. Click the File Storage option under the Settings heading within the Components List pane.
  2. In the Sharing column, beside the file you want to share, ensure that this icon is displayed. This indicates that the file can be shared. If this icon is displayed, the file cannot be shared. Refer to the instructions above to change the file’s status.
  3. Click the arrow beside the file that you want to share.
    A Public Link box appears that displays the URL for the shared file.
  4. In the Public Link box, click Select Text to highlight the URL.
  5. Right-click and choose Copy to copy the URL for the file.
    You can then paste the file’s URL in an email message or you can post it on your website, blog, Facebook page, etc.
    When anyone clicks on the URL or pastes it into a browser, the corresponding file is displayed.
  6. To close the Public Link box, click the [x] in the right-hand corner.

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How do I rename a file or folder?

To rename a file or folder

  1. Click the File Storage option under the Settings heading within the Components List pane.
  2. Beside the file or folder that you want to rename, click the pencil icon
    The file or folder name is displayed in an editable text box.
  3. Change the file or folder name, and then click the save icon
    Note: File and folder names cannot include forward slashes and cannot begin with a period (.). In addition, the names cannot be index.htm or index.html.
    If you change your mind before you save your changes, click the cancel icon

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How do I delete a file or folder?

Warning: When you delete a folder, you also delete all of the files and subfolders that are in that folder. There is no undo for the delete operation.

To delete a file or folder

  1. Click the File Storage option under the Settings heading within the Components List pane.
  2. Beside the file or folder that you want to delete, click the delete icon
    A confirmation message asks you to confirm that you want to delete the file or folder.
  3. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

To delete multiple files or folders

  1. Click the checkboxes beside each of the files or folders that you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete.
    A confirmation message asks you to confirm that you want to delete the file or folder.
  3. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

To delete all files in a folder

  1. Beside the folder whose files you want to delete, click the trash can icon
    A confirmation message asks you to confirm that you want to empty the selected file.
  2. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

Note: If you delete a file that is shared, anyone who was viewing the file will no longer be able to see it.

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Why is there a padlock displayed beside one of my files?

If you see the padlock icon beside any of your files, it means that the file has been locked due to an abuse violation. Locked files cannot be moved, edited, deleted, or shared. Contact your Support department for more information.

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How do I access my Settings?

To access the Settings component click General, or Mail, or Calendar under the Settings heading in the Components List pane. The corresponding settings will populate the work area.

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How do I change my password?

This option may not be available. If you can see the Password tab you can change your password.

To change a password

  1. Click on the General option under the Settings heading within the Components List pane.
  2. In the General Settings pane, click on the Password tab.
  3. Type your current password in the Current Password field.
  4. Type your new password in the New Password field.
  5. Re-type your new password in the Confirm Password field.
  6. Click Save.

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How do I set my display preferences?

To set display preferences

  1. Click on the General option under the Settings heading within the Components List pane.
  2. In the General Settings pane, click the Display Preferences tab.
  3. From the Items Per Page drop-down list, select the number of items to be displayed per INBOX/Folder list page.
  4. From the Order Items drop-down list, choose whether you want to view items in Ascending or Descending order.
  5. From the Your Time Zone drop-down list, select your time zone.
  6. From the Desired Language drop-down list, select the language for the application.
  7. From the Desired Interface drop-down list, select whether you want to view the Standard or the Basic interface.
  8. Click Save.

Time Zone must by synchronous between webmail and your system, otherwise, your systems Time Zone will take precedence.

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How do I view/change my Mail Settings?

To view/change Mail Settings

  1. Click on the Mail option under the Settings heading within the Components List pane.
  2. Complete information in each Mail Settings tab as required.

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How do I set-up or change my email options?

To establish or change your Mail Settings

  1. Click on the Mail option under the Settings heading within the Components List pane.
  2. In the Mail Settings pane, click on the Setup tab.
  3. Type appropriate details in the following optional fields:
    Name Enter the name you want to appear in your outgoing e-mail messages. This can be a nickname or a real name.
    Default From Address Choose the email address that you want displayed in the from field of outgoing messages.
    Reply-to Address Enter the email address to which you want email replies sent.
    Forwarding Enter the email addresses, separated by commas, to which you would like all incoming email messages forwarded.
  4. Select one of the following by clicking on the radio button to establish whether messages are forwarded and how they will be forwarded:
    Disabled Message forwarding is turned off.
    Forward and keep a copy Messaged are forward and a copy of the message is available in the Sent folder.
    Forward, then discard Messages are forwarded but no copy is kept.
  5. Select one of the following by clicking on the radio button to establish whether messages are saved in your Sent folder:
    Save Messages are automatically saved in Sent folder.
    Dont Save Messages are not saved. No copy is available.
  6. Select one of the following by clicking on the radio button to establish whether images are blocked.
    Block all images Do not allow any images.
    Show images only from my contacts Allow images only if the sender is listed in the Address Book.
    Show all images Do not block any images.
  7. Click Save.

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How do I enable/disable my Vacation/Out of Office alert?

To enable a vacation/out-of-office alert

  1. Click the Mail option under the Settings heading within the Components List pane.
  2. In the Mail Settings pane, click the Vacation tab.
  3. In the Vacation Auto Reply Message field, type the message you would like automatically sent in reply to all incoming email messages.
  4. Click the Enable vacation message check box.
    A check mark appears to indicate your Vacation/Out-of-office alert is enabled.
  5. Click Save.

To disable a vacation/out-of-office alert

  1. Click the Mail option under the Settings heading within the Components List pane.
  2. In the Mail Settings pane, click the Vacation tab.
  3. Click the check mark in the Enable vacation message check box.
    The check mark disappears indicating your Vacation/Out-of-office alert is disabled.
  4. Click Save.

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How do I enable/disable my email Signature?

To enable an email signature

  1. Click the Mail option under the Settings heading within the Components List pane.
  2. In the Mail Settings pane, click the Signature tab.
  3. In the Type a text signature for your e-mail messages field, enter the signature details to appear at the end of all out-going email messages.
  4. Click the Enable signature check box.
    A check mark appears to indicate your signature is enabled.
  5. Click Save.

To disable an email signature

  1. Click the Mail option under the Settings heading within the Components List pane.
  2. In the Mail Settings pane, click the Signature tab.
  3. Click the check mark in the Enable signature check box.
    The check mark disappears to indicate your email Signature is disabled.
  4. Click Save.

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What are mail filters?

A filter is a set of conditions that you define in order to automatically handle incoming email. You can sort incoming email to various folders, delete undesirable messages, and send notifications upon receipt of messages to other email accounts. Depending on the size/complexity of each filter, up to 15 filters can be created.

Webmail can analyze the following fields in the message header: From, Subject, To, and CC.

The fields can be evaluated according to the following conditions: contains, doesnt contain, matches, and doesnt match.

You define the value of the condition. (See How do I add/remove mail filters? for step-by-step instructions.)

If the criteria you set for the filter evaluates to "true", an action is triggered. For example, Add filter where From field contains JonhDoe@gmail.com, as illustrated below:

Adds a filter to your list that sends John Does email to your Trash folder:

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How do I add/remove mail filters?

To add/remove mail filters

  1. Click the Mail option under the Settings heading within the Components List pane.
  2. In the Mail Settings pane, click the Filters tab.
To: Action:
Add New Filter
  1. Click the Add New Filter button.
  2. Select a message header field to evaluate from the available drop-down menu options (e.g., From, Subject, To, etc.).
  3. Select a condition from the available drop-down menu options (e.g., contains, doesnt contain, etc.).
  4. Type in a value for the filter to evaluate incoming mail against.
  5. Select one of the following response options by clicking on the radio button:
    • Forward Message to — Enter the email address to which you want to forward the message.
    • Move to Folder — Select option from Move to Folder drop-down.
    • Delete e-mail message — Automatically deletes messages received that meet criteria.
  1. Click Save.
Remove an existing filter: Under the Existing Filter List:
  1. Click the Remove button next to the item to be deleted.

The filter will be removed from the Existing Filter List.

  1. Click Save.

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How do I add/remove a POP account?

To add/remove POP account

  1. Click the Mail option under the Settings heading within the Components List pane.
  2. In the Mail Settings pane, click the POP tab.
To: Action:
Add a POP account
  1. Click Add New Account.

Under the Add New Account heading:

  1. Type the name for the POP account in the POP Name field.
  2. Type the POP server name in the POP Server Name field.
  3. Type the POP Server Port in the POP Server Port field. Typically this number is 110.
  4. Click the Use secure connection checkbox if the mail server requires secure connection.
  5. Type the user name for the POP e-mail account in the POP User Name field.
  6. Type the full e-mail address that is on your POP server in the POP Full Email Address field. This email address will appear in the From field, by default, when replying or forwarded emails retrieved from this POP account.
  7. Type the password for the POP account in the POP Password field.
  8. Using the Destination Folder drop-down, select the folder to which save the email messages retrieved from the POP account.
  9. Select the Leave Messages on Server checkbox, if you want to leave your read email messages on the POP server.
  10. Type the number of seconds to wait for the server response in the Server Timeout field.
  11. Click Save.
Remove a POP account Under the Existing POP Account List:
  1. Locate the POP name you want to remove.
  2. Click the Remove button for the desired entry under the Action heading.
  3. Click Save.

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How do I set a Safe Senders List or a Blocked Senders List?

The Block Senders List allows you to stipulate the email addresses (e.g., sender@unwanted.com) and domains (e.g., *@unwanted.com) from which you do not want to receive email.

Note: Domain names must be preceded by *@ (e.g., *@domain_name.com)otherwise they will not work.

The Safe List allows you to stipulate the email addresses (e.g., mom@family.com) and domains (e.g., *@family.com) from which you want to receive email. By adding an email address or domain to this list you ensure that the emails from these senders will never be marked as spam. Therefore they will always appear in your INBOX or whichever folder you filter them to.

You can add up to 300 entries in each safe and block list.

To add or an email address or domain to a Sender List

  1. Click the Mail option under the Settings heading within the Components List pane.
  2. In the Mail Settings pane, click the Blocking tab.
  3. Type the email address (i.e., username@domain.com) or domain (i.e., *@domain.com) In the Block Senders List or Safe List text field.
  4. Click the Add button beside the text field.

The email address or domain is added to the list.

To remove an email address or domain to a Sender List

  1. Click the Mail option under the Settings heading within the Components List pane.
  2. In the Mail Settings pane, click the Blocking tab.
  3. Locate the email address or domain you want to remove in the relevant list.
  4. Click on it to select it. Your selection is highlighted.
  5. Click Remove.

The email address or domain is removed from the list.

Note:Addresses that are in your Address Book are considered to be in your Safe List and are not filtered for spam (even though the Address Book entries are not displayed in the Safe List). If you add an address to the Block Senders List that is also in your Address Book, the address will be blocked, that is, the Block Senders List takes precedence over the Address Book.

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How do I set up spam handling?

Follow the directions for the situation that best describes how you use email.

I use Webmail

The default spam settings will ensure that spam is delivered to your Spam folder. Do nothing.

I use an email program with IMAP

We recommend using the default settings but IMAP will support whatever changes you make to Spam Folder or Spam Tag.

I use an email program with POP

If you do not want to log in to Webmail to manage your Spam folder:

  1. Set Choose a Spam Folder to Inbox.
  2. Create a custom spam tag and type it in Add a Custom Spam Tag. (Recommended.)
  3. Click Save. (Changes may take up to 12 hours to take effect.)

I don’t know what I use

If you received information from your provider with which to set up your email program, they probably indicated whether you are using POP or IMAP. If you are unsure, contact your provider.

How to create a custom spam tag

Any tag you create will be added to the beginning of the subject line of all spam emails.

To create a spam tag, simply type in the Add a Custom Spam Tag field. Enter a space or special character at the end of your tag so it does not run into the first word of the original subject line.

Example of a spam tag: Spam**

Any messages you download that are suspected of being spam will now have your Custom Spam Tag in their subject and should be easy to identify when they arrive in your Inbox.

What to choose as your spam folder

Choose Spam if you use Webmail or an email program with IMAP. In Webmail, the Spam folder has a Not Spam button which allows you to report false positives. In addition, messages in the Spam folder do not count against your mailbox quota limit and are deleted after 30 days.

Choose Inbox if you use an email program with POP. Using the Inbox will ensure that all your messages, including spam, are downloaded to your computer.

Other: There is no benefit to choosing any other folder, but you may do so.

Choosing the spam blocking level

If your administrator has enabled this feature, you can set the aggressiveness level for spam blocking in your mailbox. From the Choose Spam Block Level drop-down list, choose the level of spam blocking that you want.

If you choose a level other than Normal, the spam filter will be more aggressive in classifying messages as spam.

If you choose Use Default, your mail will be filtered for spam using the level that is set for your domain.

If you choose High or Very High, more messages will be classified as spam; however, you may also find that a lot of innocent messages are also classified as spam. These messages are referred to as False Positives.

False positives

False positives are legitimate emails (emails you want to receive) that are erroneously marked as spam. Webmail has a Not Spam button which should be used to report a mistake by simply selecting the message in the Spam folder and clicking the button. The mail server then updates its filters and learns from the mistake. This is why using the actual Spam folder is the preferred spam handling method.

Note: If you set your spam block level to something other than Normal, clicking the Not Spam button will not prevent the spam filter from classifying similar message as spam in the future.

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How do I create a new mailbox?

Note: The tasks in this section are only available to domain administrators.

To create a new mailbox

  1. Click the Admin option under the Settings heading within the Components List pane.
  2. Click Add New Mailbox.
  3. From the Mailbox Type drop-down list, choose the type of account: Regular, Filter-Only, Alias, Forward-Only, or Mailing List.
  4. Complete the fields as outlined in the table below.
    Note: The fields that you see depends on the account type that you choose.

    Field Description Obligation
    Username Enter a name for the new mailbox account.
    Can be up to 64 characters including the letters a to z, the numbers 0 to 9, and the underscore, period, and hyphen symbols (diacritics and special characters are not allowed). The first character must be alphanumeric; underscores and hyphens cannot be used as the first character, periods cannot be used as the first or last character, and two consecutive periods cannot be used.
    Target Username Enter the alias for the mailbox account. Required for Alias accounts.
    New Password Enter an initial password for the mailbox.
    Can be up to 54 characters including the letters a to z, the numbers 0 to 9, and the following special characters: ~ ! @ $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + / \ ] [ { } : ; > < , . ‘ | ?.
    Confirm Password Enter the password again. Required
    First Name Enter the given name of the maibox owner. Required
    Last Name Enter the surname of the maibox owner. Required
    Title Enter a title for the mailbox owner, if applicable. Optional
    Telephone Number Enter the phone number for the mailbox owner. Optional
    Fax Number Enter the fax number for the mailbox owner. Optional
    Language From the drop-down list, choose the language for the Webmail interface.
    If you choose Use Default, the language that is used is the one that was specified for the domain.
    Timezone From the drop-down list, choose the timezone that will be used in Webmail.
    If you choose Use Default, the time zone that is used is the one that was specified for the domain.
    Members Enter the addresses of any mailing lists to which this mailbox will subscribe. Required for Mailing List accounts.
    Workgroup From the drop-down list, choose the workgroup to which the new mailbox account will belong. Optional
    Enable Forwarding When checked, messages that are sent to this mailbox are automatically forwarded to the specified email address. Optional
    Forwarding to When you enter another email address in this field and select Forwarding Enabled, messages that are sent to this mailbox are automatically forwarded to the specified email address. Required if Forward Enabled is checked.
    Forward and keep a copy When checked, all incoming messages are delivered to both this mailbox and to the address specified in the Forwarding Email Address List field. Optional
    Enable vacation message When checked, a message is automatically sent in reply to all incoming email messages for this mailbox. Optional
    Vacation Message Type the body of the message that you would like to be sent in reply to all incoming email messages for this mailbox. Optional
    Vacation message Frequency Specify (in number of days) how often you want the vacation message to be sent to each sender address. For example, if you specify 1, the vacation message is sent to each address only once per day, regardless of how many messages they send. Optional
    Vacation message end date Specify the date when you want to stop sending vacation messages. Enter the date in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. Optional
    Add a Custom Spam Tag Specify the tag that is appended to the subject of all spam messages.
    If Use Default is checked, the tag that is used is the one that was specified for the domain.
    To enter a custom tag, ensure that Use Default is not checked, and enter the tag that you want to use.
    Choose a Spam Folder From the drop-down list, choose the folder where you want spam delivered. The default is the Spam folder. Optional
    Choose Spam Block Level From the drop-down list, choose the level of aggressiveness for spam filtering.
    Choosing a level other than Normal causes the filtering engine to be more aggressive in labelling mail as spam.
    Use Default uses the Domain, Company, or global defaults.
  5. Click Create.

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How do I edit a mailbox?

To edit a mailbox

  1. Click the Admin option under the Settings heading within the Components List pane.
    The Mailbox Admin window appears.
  2. To narrow your search, in the Search for Mailbox field, enter all or part of the username whose mailbox you want to edit. From the drop-down list, choose Begins with or Contains, and then click Search. All of the mailboxes that meet your criteria are displayed.
  3. Beside the mailbox that you want to edit, click
  4. Make the required changes to the editable fields. For an explanation of each of the fields, see "How do I create a new mailbox?.
  5. Click Save.

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How do I delete a mailbox?

To delete a mailbox

  1. Click the Admin option under the Settings heading within the Components List pane.
    The Mailbox Admin window appears.
  2. To narrow your search, in the Search for Mailbox field, enter all or part of the username whose mailbox you want to delete. From the drop-down list, choose Begins with or Contains, and then click Search. All of the mailboxes that meet your criteria are displayed.
  3. Beside the mailbox that you want to delete, click
    A confirmation message asks you to confirm that you want to delete the mailbox.
  4. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

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